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Metric Card

Display numerical data visually with title, value, and description.


Name (name)stringUnique identifier for the metric card component
Title (title)stringText displayed at the top of the metric card
Value (value)stringThe value to be displayed in the metric card
Format (format)MetricCardFormatThe way to display the value
Currency Format (currencyCode)stringCurrency code to display before the value
Decimal Places (decimalPlaces)numberNumber of decimal places between 0 and 20
Decimal Places Filled (isDecimalPlacesFilled)booleanWhether to enable filling zeros up to the specified decimal places
Display Comma (useGrouping)booleanWhether to display commas at every 1,000 position
Show Description (isDescriptionVisible)booleanWhether to display the description
Description (description)stringText displayed at the bottom of the metric card
Height (size)MetricCardSizeHeight of the metric card
Hide Component (isHidden)booleanWhether to hide the metric card on the deployed page

Name (name)

Sets the unique identifier for the metric card component. Please refer to the component naming rules

Title (title)

Sets the text displayed at the top of the metric card. (Supports Template Text)

Value (value)

Sets the value to be displayed in the metric card.
Can be set through workflow results, direct input.

Format (format)

Determines how the value is displayed in the card.


  • general: Displays numbers in standard format
  • percentage: Displays numbers as percentages
  • currency: Displays numbers in currency format

Currency Format (currencyCode)

When format is set to currency, specifies the currency code to display before the value.

Decimal Places (decimalPlaces)

Sets the maximum number of decimal places to display.
Accepts values between 0 and 20.

Decimal Places Filled (isDecimalPlacesFilled)

Determines whether to pad decimal places with zeros.
When enabled, numbers are padded with zeros to match the specified decimal places.

Display Comma (useGrouping)

Controls the display of thousand separators.
When enabled, adds commas as thousand separators (e.g., 1,000,000).

Show Description (isDescriptionVisible)

Controls whether the description is displayed.

Description (description)

Sets the text displayed at the bottom of the metric card. (Supports Template Text)

Height (size)

Sets the height of the metric card. Choose between sm, md, or lg.

Hide Component (isHidden)

Controls visibility of the component.
When set to true:

  • Hidden in deployed view
  • Visible with reduced opacity in edit mode

Type Definitions

type MetricCardFormat = 'general' | 'percent' | 'currency';

type MetricCardSize = 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';